2020 License Renewal Notice
3/2/2020Open renewal period will begin on May 1st and run through June 30th.
Per Rule §15-1-14.4.2 renewal forms must be RECEIVED in our office by June 15th in order to allow time to process by June 30th.
Any licensee not renewed by June 30th is not permitted to practice pharmacy in the state of West Virginia until their license has been renewed. There are no grace periods for expired registrations.
All renewal forms RECEIVED in our office after June 30th will be required to pay a late fee. Late renewal period will run from July 1st-August 31st.
If renewal form has not been RECEIVED by August 31st licensee must complete a reinstatement form to reactivate their license/registration.
Online Renewals:
Beginning May 1st online renewals can be completed on our website at www.wvbop.com.
Online renewals will be processed within 5-7 business days.
Online renewals are payable by credit/debit payments only.These payments will be subject to a 2.25% processing fee.
Licensees may check the status of their online renewal on our website’s renewal status page only.Status requests will not be accepted by phone unless applicant’s renewal was submitted over 2 weeks prior.
Paper Renewals:
If you wish to still submit a paper renewal you may print your renewal form from our website at https://www.wvbop.com/practitioners/resources.asp. Once completed you must mail your renewal to West Virginia Board of Pharmacy, 2310 Kanawha Blvd. E, Charleston, WV 25311.
Paper renewals will be processed within 2-3 weeks.
Paper renewals are payable to WVBOP by check or money order only.
Status requests will not be accepted by phone unless applicant’s renewal was submitted over 2 weeks prior.
If renewals are submitted online, you may check the status of your renewal online. If no status is available, then your renewal has been either approved or denied and you can visit our verification page to see updated expiration date. If approved the verification page will reflect the new expiration date. If denied an email or letter will be sent detailing reasoning. No incomplete renewal will be held. If submitted as incomplete or missing required documentation your renewal will be denied, refunded, and a notice will be sent to the email address provided during renewal detailing reasoning. If denied renewal must be resubmitted with all required documentation and payment.
License Renewal Links
Resident Controlled Substance Renewal
Resident Charitable Clinic Renewal
Third Party Logistics Provider Renewal