Controlled Substances FAQ

PA and APRN Prescribing of Controlled Substances

As of January 1, 2023 both physician assistants (PA) and APRNs will have the same prescriptive authority.  Per §30-3E-3 and §30-7-15E, the new prescriptive authority for APRNs and PAs is as below:

  • No Schedule I substances
  • Up to a 3-day supply of a Schedule II narcotic; non-narcotic Schedule II’s may be prescribed just like a physician
  • No other limitations other than the Opioid Reduction Act (Can be found in the Pharmacy Law Book)


Lost or Stolen Controlled Substances

As required by § 15-2-9.3.1:

            In the event of any controlled substances being lost or stolen, the registrant shall immediately submit DEA Form 106 to the Board. 

To comply with WV State Law:

DEA Registrants should utilize this link on the DEA online portal and submit a copy of the DEA Form 106 to the WV BOP at

Non-DEA Registrants required to report:

Download the form here.  Email the completed form to

Page Updated: 4/9/2024 9:49:38 AM