Hormonal Contraceptive

WV Pharmacist-provided Hormonal Contraception

HB 2583: The Family Planning Access Act – The Bill

  • The Family Planning Access Act passed during the WV Legislative Session 2019.
  • The passage of this bill made West Virginia the 10th state in the nation to permit a pharmacist to dispense a self-administered hormonal contraceptive under a standing prescription drug order by the State Health Officer.
  • This bill is limited to individuals 18 years or older.
  • Patients must complete a self-screening risk assessment questionnaire.  The patient is then assessed for safety and appropriateness of hormonal contraceptive use by a trained pharmacist.  Counseling from a pharmacist on appropriate administration and storage, potential side effects and risks, the need for backup contraception, when to seek emergency medical attention, the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection or disease, and ways to reduce the risk of contraction is provided.


WV Approved Hormonal Contraceptive Training Program


Once the course is completed, send an email with proof of completion to krista.d.capehart@wv.gov to have your license updated.

WV Hormonal Contraceptive Questionnaire - FINAL

MEC Corresponding to the WV Questionnaire

WV Standard Procedures Algorithm for Hormonal Contraceptive Pharmacist Prescribing

Standing Order for Hormonal Contraception for Pharmacist Use


Page Updated: 4/16/2024 7:47:39 AM