Fraudulent Script Alert
By K. Capehart 2/4/20222/4/2022: We have received numerous reports today, and it has been confirmed with the named prescriber, that prescriptions for promethazine/codeine have been sent across the state under the name Dr. Deborah Gillispie, MD, from Ona, WV. These prescriptions are fake and should not be filled.
1-13-2022: There have been a number of forged prescriptions recently involving Dr. Tony Majestro, and orthopedic surgeon in Charleston, WV. These prescriptions have been for both controlled and non-controlled substances and law enforcement ofiicials have already been contacted. Please be aware that these incidents are occurring and contact his office if you have questionsabout the authenticityof a prescription you receive.
We have received numerous reports today (12-7-2021) and it has been confirmed with the named prescriber that prescriptions for azithromycin and 473mL of promethazine/codeine have been sent across the state under the name Dr. Carl High, MD from Elkins, WV. These prescriptions are fake and should not be filled.
Thanks for being on alert!
Krista Capehart, PharmD