Continuing Education Information
Continuing Pharmacy Education Info
Frequently Asked Questions on CPE Hours Given Recent Changes
Q. By when must I complete the new required 3 CPE hours for best practices prescribing and dispensing for pain (Drug Diversion CPE)?
A. The statute and rules require the Drug Diversion CPE to be completed every reporting period. So, if you are up for renewal on July 1, 2014, then you must have completed the 3 hours as required for your renewal this time around. If you are up for renewal July 1, 2015, you must have completed it for your reporting period for your July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015, license period. However, if you are a newly licensed pharmacist, you must complete this requirement during your first year of practice, regardless of when you come up for renewal.
Q. Do I still need to complete the "End of Life Care" CPE that was mandatory for all first time license renewals?
A. No, the end of life CPE requirement was deleted from the law. The statute now requires the Drug Diversion CPE each reporting period. So, you will have to get 3 hours of this CPE every 2 years going forward as part of your 30 hours, but end of life care is no longer required.
Q. I am registered as a consultant pharmacist [and/or immunizing pharmacist] and registered pharmacist. Can the CPE hours I've completed for my consultant license [and/or immunizing pharmacist permit] be applied towards the 30 hours needed to renew my pharmacist license?
A. Yes, the hours can count toward your 30 required total CPE hours. The same is also true for the new best practices prescribing and dispensing for pain hours (Drug Diversion CPE).
To find out about CPE programs provided by the WVU School of Pharmacy Office of Continuing Pharmacy Education click here.
Consulting Practice | Application for Continuing Education
Rule 23.3 of the Board's Legislative Rules, 15 CSR 1, requires all pharmacists registered as consultants to have three (3) hours of CPE in the subjects of consulting practice each year.
All programs offered by the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) are acceptable programs to meet this requirement.
Any other program not offered by ASCP must be submitted to the Board's continuing education committee for approval and assignment of a number.
Programs in the subjects of consulting practice may include, but are not limited to, topics related to:
Depression in the Elderly
Alzheimer's Disease
Nutritional Status in the Elderly
Wound Care
Congestive Heart Failure
Issues with HCFA Regulations
Special Considerations in the Elderly
Recordkeeping requirements
Prevention and Recognition of Drug Events in the Elderly Population or programs provided by:
WVU Geriatric Education Center Programs
WV Center of Aging Program
West Virginia Board of Pharmacy's Application for Continuing Pharmacy Education Credit
NOTE: (Application only required for general CPE programs not already approved by ACPE or for programs submitted to meet Drug Diversion Training and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances or consulting practice CPE requirements.)
All applications must be received by the end of each month. Applicants will be notified by the 20th of the following month if the program was approved or disapproved. If approved, continuing education certificates issued to participants must list the title of the program, number of CPE hours awarded, WV Board of Pharmacy Program Number, signature of administrator of the program, and date signed. A record of the participant’s attendance and copy of the CPE certificate must be maintained for a period of 4 years from the program’s date.
Date of Submission:
Applicant (Check One): CPE Provider____ Pharmacist ____
Name of CPE Provider/Pharmacist:
Street Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:
The following 3 items must also be submitted with each application:
- Agenda with times of events
- Listing of all faculty and brief bio sketch for each faculty member
- Learning Objectives for each Session (List the session title followed by at least 3 learning objectives. Each objective should start with a behavioral verb such as describe, list, state and others. Additional sheets may be attached if needed.):
Date of Program: Title of Program:
Location (Facility, City and State):
Number of hours of CPE requested:
Type of CPE credit requested (Check One):
Consulting ____ General ____ Live_____
Drug Diversion Training and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances____