WVBOP Launches Pharmacy Workload Survey - Current Topics

WVBOP Launches Pharmacy Workload Survey



The West Virginia Board of Pharmacy remains vigilant and concerned about the state of patient safety and pharmacist/pharmacy staff workload in WV.  In an effort to fully characterize the situation in WV and develop a strategy of action, this survey has been created.  The survey opens July 7, 2021 and will close August 17, 2021.  The survey may be completed only once by each pharmacist or pharmacy technician/trainee licensee with a primary practice site in WV.  The data will be compiled for use by the Board and a WV Pharmacy Workload Task Force being established to create a list of recommended regulatory actions for the Board and WV Legislature to consider.  This survey is COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS and is NOT a scam.  Your responses cannot be linked to you in anyway and will only be reported in aggregate.  The link for the survey is https://wvu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_50zICRXS1b2dVmS

If you are interested in participating on the WV Pharmacy Workload Task Force complete the application at the following link by August 17, 2021 5PM https://forms.gle/4QmjXdoE6hBgcbng7

Page Updated: 12:00:00 AM